Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2020!  It’s a new year and for many of us we make resolutions.  Whether the resolutions are learning to play the pianogoing to the gym,  or tackling those extra 15 pounds, we wish you the best of luck.

Have you made financial resolutions?  We’ve heard of the various saving challenges like the 52 week challenge or the $5 challenge.  The important part is saving.  I have found that if I automate my savings, it is accelerated.   If you haven’t retired, see what happens if you increase your withholding by 2%?  Do you miss that extra money?  Don’ t miss out on that free money if your employer matches.  Every bit adds up when we start talking about how your buckets for retirment are filled.  Need help figuring it all out?  Schedule a free consultation today.



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